Mistakes To Avoid When Checking For Leaks From Your Equipment's Hydraulic Hose Fittings
If you have noticed that hydraulic fluid is leaking from the ends of the hoses, you may decide to look at the fittings to see if they are the source of the leak. However, make sure you avoid the following mistakes when checking for leaks from your equipment's hydraulic hose fittings.
Neglecting to Depressurize the System First
Since the hydraulic system is a closed one and relies on pressurized fluids to keep the pistons working, a tremendous amount of pressure builds up within the hoses. If you were to start turning the fittings while the pressure is at its peak, you risk having hot fluid spew all over you, causing burns or even blinding you when the force of the fluid hits your eyes.
Before you even start inspecting the fittings, make sure you depressurize the system first. Since systems vary as to how to perform this task, either consult the manual for your particular model or contact a representative from the manufacturer.
Checking the Fittings for Leaks with Your Hand
Once you depressurize the system, you may be tempted to simply use your hand to check for loose fittings. However, doing so could result in serious burns.
Since the fluid flowing through the system is kept at extremely high temperatures, the heat will transfer to the fittings. Even if you wear gloves, this heat can penetrate the material and still blister your skin.
Instead of using your gloved or ungloved hand to check the fittings, use a wrench the securely fits around the hose fittings. While it is attached, lightly turn each fitting to see if they are loose.
Using Too Much Torque When Tightening the Fittings
If you discover that the hydraulic fluid leak is indeed caused by a loose fitting, you may think that bearing down as hard as possible while tightening it will seal off any gaps and stop the leak. However, if you use too much torque, you risk tearing into the washer inside the fitting or busting the fitting itself.
Instead, turn the wrench only until you meet resistance. If the leak is still present, you may need to replace the fitting.
Using the above tips while checking hydraulic hose fittings for leaks can help prevent injury and further damage to the fittings. If you discover that the hose fittings themselves are damaged and need replacing, contact an industrial supplier for help on choosing the correct ones for your equipment