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Revamping Your Food Packaging? 3 Tips For Using Food Package Psychology To Sell More Food

If you manufacture and sell a food product, then you likely know it is important to choose your food packaging wisely to make sure it keeps your product fresh, protects its flavor, and is easy for stores to showcase on their shelves. However, you may not realize that you can use the power of psychology to make your food products look more appealing to customers and even lead to them believing that your food tastes better than your competitors does. If your product has experienced a slump in sales or you just want to boost those already great sales sky-high, try redesigning the packaging with marketing psychology in mind. 

Keep the following three tips in mind when designing your new food packaging to look forward to a boost in sales and even brand loyalty. 

1. Place Your Logo Near the Top Of Your Package

Your team likely put a lot of thought into every aspect of your brand's logo, but you may tend to place just a small one on your product's packaging to make sure the product name catches the eye of the consumer. There is only so much space on the front panel of your food packaging, after all, so you do need to use the space wisely

However, market researchers have learned that when the front panel of a package displays the brand's logo near the top, they suspect that the brand is powerful, and consumers prefer powerful brands. 

Thankfully, if your current package has your brand's logo placed near the bottom of the front panel, this is a very quick and easy design change to make that can quickly boost sales and customer loyalty. Your customers will assume your product is high-quality as soon as they see it and not hesitate to choose it instead of your competitor's. 

2. Add More "White Space" to Your Package

It can be all too easy to want to "pack all of the information you can" about your product right onto the packaging to help boost sales based on the many great aspects of your food product, especially if it is a relatively new product you would like to stand out from competitors. However, consumers view simple packages with lots of "white space" as more elegant, which, when it comes to food, signals quality. 

Packaging experts urge food brands to include only the essential information on a food's packaging, including the brand logo, name of the product, net weight, a photo of the food (or clear window exposing the food itself), and nutrition information. 

If your current packaging design is jam-packed with details, delete everything but the above information and resize a few of the essentials until you have an elegant package design that actually stands out from the rest due to its simplicity. 

3. Choose Package Colors Wisely to Influence Food Taste

While the sight of specific colors have long been known to influence a person's state of mind, it has recently been discovered that the color of food packaging can even influence how it tastes to a consumer. An Oxford University study tested the power of packaging color on food flavor by serving subjects a popular cola in cans of two different colors-- red and white. The study found that test subjects universally agreed that the cola in the red can tasted sweeter than the cola in the white can. 

Additional studies revealed that foods served in white containers tasted sweeter than those served in black ones and that depending on the color of mug coffee is served in, not only does its sweetness, but also its flavor intensity vary. 

To use the power of packaging color to make sure your product tastes as universally pleasing as possible to your customers, it is worth it to do a market research study of your own to see what package color your product tastes "best" in. You can then ensure that your product packaging color not only encourages consumers to buy your food, but also to enjoy every bite or sip of it, so they buy it over and over again. 

If you are revamping the packaging of your food product, then now is a great time to put the new product packaging psychology research to good use. Just by tweaking a few aspects of your food package design and choosing the right package colors, you can increase product sales and even improve the "taste," so new customers are more likely to become loyal ones. 

For more information and help with your food packaging, contact companies like KNF FLEXPAK Corporation.
